
17-Holgate/Broadway 途径 SE Portland、South Waterfront、Portland 市中心和 NW Portland 连接 Powellhurst 社区与 NE Portland。该路线沿 Holgate、17th、Powell、Tilikum Crossing、Portland Transit Mall(5th 和 6th 大道)、Broadway/Weidler、24th 和 27th 行驶。

常见班次该公交线路每天大部分时间为 15 分钟或更短时间一班。更多信息

17 号线时刻表


For trips to Holgate & 122nd, no service at SE Holgate & 77th (Stop ID 2758) due to blocking tree branches. Use stops two blocks before or after at SE Holgate & 75th (Stop ID 2757) or SE Holgate & 79th (Stop ID 2760).

For trips to NE Saratoga & 27th, no service to NE Weidler & 15th due to construction.

Beginning Wednesday, March 19, through Friday, March 28, no service to the eastbound stops on NE Weidler at 7th (Stop ID 6240) and 9th (Stop ID 6242) on weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. due to construction. Use the temp stop on the west side of NE 6th.

Beginning Friday, March 21, through Sunday, April 6, no service at 2500 Block NE Saratoga (Stop ID 5148) due to service change.

Beginning Friday, March 21, through Sunday, April 6, for trips to Portland no service at SW Lincoln & 1st (Stop ID 3398) and SW Hall & 5th (Stop ID 13780) due to construction. Use temp stops at SW 1st & Lincoln and at 200 Block SW Harrison (Stop ID 2567).

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