75-Cesar Chavez/Lombard

75-Cesar Chavez/Lombard 途经 Harrison、32nd、Johnson Creek、45th、Cesar E Chavez Blvd、42nd、Columbia、Dekum 和 Lombard 连接 Milwaukie、SE Portland、Hollywood、N/NE Portland 和 St. Johns。

常见班次该公交线路每天大部分时间为 15 分钟或更短时间一班。更多信息

75 号线时刻表


No service to the eastbound stop at NE Columbia Blvd & 42nd (Stop ID 1117) due to long-term construction.

No service to the westbound stop at NE Columbia Blvd & 47th (Stop ID 13472) due to construction. Use temp stop on wood utility pole 200' prior to 47th, across from Feenaughty Machinery.

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