The ATFAC Committee Members
The Accessible Transportation Fund Advisory Committee (ATFAC) is appointed by the TriMet Board of Directors to advise TriMet’s HB2017 Transit Advisory Committee by making informed recommendations about the distribution of grants funded by the State of Oregon’s Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund (STIF) population formula funds and the Federal Transit Administration’s Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities - Section 5310. The three-county area receives approximately $10 million in STIF population based formula funds and approximately $7–8 million Section 5310 funds each biennium (every two years). STIF population and Section 5310 funds play an important role in the expansion of community-based services for older adults and individuals with disabilities as well as in the preservation of paratransit services.
The ATFAC includes a broad representation of users of transportation services and providers including up to fourteen members of the Committee on Accessible Transportation (CAT), as well as representatives from Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington Counties aging and disabilities service agencies, out-of-district transit providers, older adults and individuals with disabilities from the three Counties, older adults and individuals with disabilities representing out-of-district consumers, Ride Connection, and TriMet.
Program Management Plan for 5310 Funds
Committee Members
The Accessible Transportation Funds Advisory Committee (ATFAC) is TriMet’s appointed advisory committee to assist the agency in its duties to distribute funds to improve transit for older adults and individuals with disabilities for Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington Counties. As required by the ATFAC Bylaws, ATFAC members reside in the tri-county area, are knowledgeable about the transportation needs of older adults and individuals with disabilities, and are users of or familiar with public or community based transportation services. More than one-half of the members are seniors or persons with a disability.
Those interested persons who are members of the TriMet Committee on Accessible Transportation (CAT), excepting the CAT member who is a Board member:
- Annadiana Johnson
- Claudia Robertson, Vice Chair
- Jan Campbell, Chair
- Leon Chavarria
Seniors or persons with disabilities who reside in Clackamas County:
- Julie Stephens
Seniors or persons with disabilities who reside in Multnomah County:
- Dave Daley
Seniors or persons with disabilities who reside in Washington County:
- Mary Lou Ritter
Seniors or persons with disabilities who reside outside the TriMet District:
- Eric Olsen
Staff representatives of the respective County Agencies on Aging and Disability; one per county:
- Rebecca Miller, Washington County
- Teresa Christopherson, Clackamas County
Staff representative of TriMet:
- Eileen Turvy
Staff representative of Ride Connection:
Staff representatives of public transit entities other than TriMet, including a rural transit entity representative:
- Andi Howell, City of Sandy
- Kelsey Lewis, City of Wilsonville
Seniors or Persons with Disabilities Living in the Service Area:
- Rocky Bixby
- Mike Foley