由于选民否决了当地一项为改善多个交通项目提供资金的措施,西南走廊轻轨项目 (Southwest Corridor Light Rail Project) 的设计工作于 2020 年暂停。2022 年初,Metro、TriMet 和联邦交通管理局 (Federal Transit Administration) 完成了最终环境影响声明 (FEIS) 并发布了决策记录 (ROD),以确保该项目未来有资格获得联邦资助。要查看这些文档,请访问 Metro 的项目网站。
Positioned south of Pacific Hwy/99W, the 68th Parkway Station’s prominent presence atop a natural amphitheater above Red Rock Creek provides views over the Red Rock Creek watershed. The station acts as the gateway into the burgeoning Tigard Triangle neighborhood. Sidewalk improvements and improved pedestrian crossings on Pacific Hwy/99W at SW 68th Pkwy and SW 64th Ave connect the station to the residential areas to the north. Adjacent bus stops and a surface Park & Ride with up to 350 spaces will make it a quick and easy transfer point for people coming from King City, Sherwood and other communities southwest of Tigard.
请致电 503-962-2150 或发送邮件,了解更多信息。