由于选民否决了当地一项为改善多个交通项目提供资金的措施,西南走廊轻轨项目 (Southwest Corridor Light Rail Project) 的设计工作于 2020 年暂停。2022 年初,Metro、TriMet 和联邦交通管理局 (Federal Transit Administration) 完成了最终环境影响声明 (FEIS) 并发布了决策记录 (ROD),以确保该项目未来有资格获得联邦资助。要查看这些文档,请访问 Metro 的项目网站

Overall Project Improvements:
Bike and Walk Improvements

The project will add over six miles to the region’s system of bike facilities. Raised protected bike lanes are included between Barbur Transit Center and Naito Parkway. These lanes separate bicyclists from automobiles by a curb-protected furnishing zone. Other parts of Barbur Boulevard will consist of buffered bike lanes, which are striped cyclist-only lanes that create separation between cyclists and automobiles at street level.

Along Barbur, the project includes safer intersections that protect pedestrians and bicyclists from traffic. A full protected intersection (Type 1) provides separation and protection for bicyclists and pedestrians moving in every direction. Other types (Type 2 and Type 3) will be applied along the corridor as appropriate to address narrower roadways.


Pedestrian Improvements

A major benefit of the Southwest Corridor Light Rail project is the increased pedestrian permeability across Barbur Boulevard, making the crossings locations throughout the corridor as safe and comfortable as possible, while maintaining light rail operations and vehicular traffic. With guidance from PedPDX, Portland’s citywide pedestrian plan, the project increases the overall permeability of Barbur Boulevard through additional marked crossings. The design of crossing frequencies strives to meet a 530’ desired spacing within designated pedestrian districts and an 800’ desired spacing outside of pedestrian districts. More details on pedestrian crossings can be viewed in each of the station pages.




Pedestrian crossings

Bike Facilities

The project includes significant improvements to the bike facilities along Barbur Boulevard, allowing cyclists of all ages and abilities to safely and comfortably access destinations along the corridor. For four miles from Barbur Transit Center to Naito Parkway, this bikeway will consist of raised protected bike lanes. These lanes separate people on bikes from automobiles by a curb-protected furnishing zone. North of Naito Parkway, the street will include buffered bike lanes, which are striped cyclist-only lanes that create separation between cyclists and automobiles at street level.

The project also adds safer intersections that protect pedestrians and bicyclists from traffic through the intersection. A full protected intersection (Type 1) provides separation and protection for bicyclists and pedestrians moving in every direction. This design also requires space that will not be available at every intersection. Other types (Type 2 and Type 3) will be applied along the corridor as appropriate to address narrower roadways.


Barbur improvements map

bike facilities


raised protected bike lane

Raised Protected Bike Lanes cross section


Protected Intersection Type 1

raised protected bike lane

Protected Intersection Type 2

raised protected bike lane

Protected Intersection Type 3

raised protected bike lane




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